
Care and Cleaning of Binos

Care and Cleaning of Binos

By Ron Spomer

A hunting binocular is a bit like a hunting dog. You have to take care of it to get top performance. Fortunately, binos are more easily trained in basic obedience like sit and stay. Lay one on a stump, and it’ll stay there through rain, snow, cold and gloom for as many nights as it takes for you to locate it. If you happen to find the Bushne...


Recent GunHunter Features

A Most Popular Magnum
A Most Popular Magnum

By John Haviland

All hail the 7mm Rem Mag — king of the .284 bores. The 7mm Remington Magnum is the most bought, shot and hunted-with magnum cartridge, despite the continuous introduction of other magnum rounds intended to capture some of its appeal. ... READ MORE

Best Scopes for the Buck
Best Scopes for the Buck

By Ron Spomer

Shop carefully, and you can find an inexpensive scope that hangs with you year in and year out. When you raise your rifle at sunset and the scope shows a bright orange haze instead of the buck standing at the edge of the timber, the answer ... READ MORE

Don’t Skimp on Scope Mounts
Don’t Skimp on Scope Mounts

By Richard Mann

“Just any old rings and bases” can be the wrong choice and the weak link that fails at the most inopportune time. There you stand, rifle in one hand and a riflescope in the other. Since duct tape and baling twine are not option... READ MORE

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