Tips & Tactics

Entries for August 2018

Better than Backstrap?

Better than Backstrap?

By Chuck Burklund

Backstraps and tenderloins are popular cuts of deer meat, but I never hear anyone talking about my favorite piece of the deer: venison flat iron steak, also known as mock tenderloins or shoulder tenders. That's probably because it's not the easiest cut to find and separate out. It's found inside the shoulder blade and is a distinctive muscle group... READ MORE

Extra Treestand Hands

Extra Treestand Hands

By Gary Whitbeck

When you climb into your treestand and get settled in, it seems like there are never enough limbs to hang all your stuff on. And those tiny screw-in bow-holder hooks that come with a rope won’t allow you to hang very many items. I’ve found that the larger screw-in hooks made to hang bicycles in your garage make really ample treestand g... READ MORE

Create Antler Rubbing Posts

Create Antler Rubbing Posts

By William Cuthbert

One surefire way to learn if there is buck activity in your area is finding fresh rubbings on small trees, saplings or fence posts. Before the season starts, I have a buck indicator trick I like to use in or around the fields of my hunting property. Harvested agricultural fields are prime spots to check for rubs, but saplings don’t always gro... READ MORE

Trail Cam Tip: Don’t Just Pile It On

Trail Cam Tip: Don’t Just Pile It On

By Gail McKee

For those of you who use trail cameras like I do, I think you'll find this tip very useful. It might become part of your standard operating procedure when it comes to capturing images of whitetails. I've noticed deer will stay longer in front of my camera if I take a moment to broadcast the corn and other attractants instead of just dumping it in a... READ MORE

Hay Bale Hideaways

Hay Bale Hideaways

By Frank Mayes

I’ve hunted in Missouri for many years. Until the past few seasons, ground blinds and ladder stands have been the main types of stands I’ve hunted from. Now, I’m discovering one of the most effective ways to ambush whitetails is from behind hay bales. I’ve had deer walk within 10 feet of me and never know I was there! My set... READ MORE

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