Smalltown Bucks

Thanks, Grandpa

Thanks, Grandpa

By Julie Loy

Borrowed stand produces first buck for young hunter. Nate, 7 years old, went out this crisp Missouri morning for his first youth deer hunt. He had been practicing at targets and had sat with mom and dad during previous seasons, so he was ready! After calling Great Grandpa Charlie to ask permission, he decided to hunt his stand. Nate and his dad, Da... READ MORE

Never Give Up

Never Give Up

By Ray Thiel

It only takes a second for an entire season of frustration to turn amazing. The 2018 deer season in eastern Connecticut was slower than normal. After two years where gypsy moth caterpillars ate nearly all the leaves off the oak trees, they just didn’t produce acorns. Unfortunately, on property I have permission to hunt on in Griswold, acorns... READ MORE

Countdown to Kansas

Countdown to Kansas

By Carlo Longobardo

I’m a NYC fireman, and I’ve hunted since I was a kid. I’ve made a lot of memories with my father and family members. Now I’m proudly passing on the tradition to my son and daughter. This past fall was the second time I headed to Kansas to bowhunt the rut, and I’d literally been in a countdown for a year. On my first ... READ MORE

Who Needs Fishing?

Who Needs Fishing?

By Quintin Sullivan

Let me preface this story by saying that my son Joseph is one of the best kids on the planet. Sure, I’m biased, but the kid has some amazing accomplishments under his belt, and he’s not even 13 yet. Joseph is an avid fisherman who ties his own flies (and sells them under the name Joe Hunter), and in 2013 alone caught a 7-pound largemout... READ MORE

If It Feels Right ...

If It Feels Right ...

By William Sawyer

Trust your instincts when you think you’ve made a great shot. During the 2014 archery season in Guilford County, North Carolina, I had found a large rub while putting out some corn. It looked like a great place to set up, but I didn’t want to hunt it until conditions were perfect. On the second Saturday of the season, I asked my wife to... READ MORE

Opening Day Duck

Opening Day Duck

By Roper Wilkes

Big South Carolina buck instead turns out to be a huge doe. Hi, Smalltown Bucks fans! My wife Joan and I run 707 Deer Processing in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, and we thought you might be interested in seeing this deer. Our friend, 18-year-old Bryan Williamson, harvested this massive 204-pound antlered doe on Sept. 2. Bryan comes from a die-hard ... READ MORE

Crowded in Kansas

Crowded in Kansas

By Rodney Bryson

Landowner offers advice to help overcome an abundance of other hunters. This past hunting season in Kansas was different from previous years. The weather was nicer, but there seemed to be a lot more hunters. While we’re fortunate to hunt on private land, other hunters have permission to hunt there, too. There were also hunters on the property... READ MORE

Tracking Clubber Nine

Tracking Clubber Nine

By Derrick S. Schreiber

Finally, after 81 hours in the stand, I arrowed a buck I’d named Clubber Nine on Dec. 3, 2011. I’d seen him on my trail camera since October. He was distinctive with an impressive body and a right rear foot that apparently had been broken at some time. I have the good fortune of having sole access to the ground I hunt, which made it pos... READ MORE

Heart of the Hunt

Heart of the Hunt

By Christopher Jecker

Shortened season doesn’t stop concerned son from taking his best buck ever. While I live in Louisville, Kentucky, I hunt in Crawford County, Indiana. Two weeks before gun season, my work and hunting partner, my dad, had a massive heart attack. We rushed him to the ER, where the doctor informed us that he needed to have open heart surgery. A... READ MORE

Rage in the Cage!

Rage in the Cage!

By Logan Hannon

My bowhunting adventure started on typical Friday night, hanging out with my buddies and playing some pool.  Since each of us had put in lots of time in the woods without much to show for it this season, we devised a game plan for the following morning. Someone was going to get a deer. The rut was kicking in, the temperature was dropping and... READ MORE

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